
Straight Teeth and More

Invisalign® Certified Provider in Scarborough

Straight teeth can mean more than just a pretty smile. It can also be the key to living your life to the fullest. If you’re an adult that is self-conscious about crooked or misaligned teeth, we have good news: modern orthodontic treatments such as Invisalign are effective and discreet. This treatment is perfect for professionals because it allows you to achieve a straighter smile while maintaining your normal routine.

How long will the Invisalign treatment take?

It depends on the complexity of your case, you could complete your treatment in as little as 6 months. But you’ll start seeing results in a matter of weeks.

How much does Invisalign cost?

You may hear people say that Invisalign is more expensive than conventional — but this isn’t true. Both treatments are between $2,000 and $8,000 on average. However, the cost differs from person to person because it depends on your treatment plan.

Commonly asked questions about Clear Aligners

  • What are clear aligners?

    Clear aligners are transparent, removable orthodontic appliances that gradually move teeth into their desired positions. They offer a discreet and convenient alternative to traditional braces.

  • How do clear aligners work?

    Clear aligners use gentle, controlled forces to shift teeth into alignment over time. You will wear a series of custom-made aligners, changing them every few weeks as your teeth progress.

  • Are clear aligners suitable for everyone?

    Clear aligners can address a wide range of orthodontic issues, but it's best to consult with an orthodontist to determine if they are the right choice for your specific case.

  • What is the difference between Invisalign® and SmyleAlign™?

    In concept and fabrication process, Invisalign and SmyleAlign are very similar and comparable. The main difference lies in the affordability of SmyleAlign, making it a more cost-effective option for patients.

  • How long do I need to wear clear aligners each day?

    Clear aligners should be worn for 20 to 22 hours a day for optimal results. You can remove them while eating, drinking, brushing, and flossing.

  • Are clear aligners painful to wear?

    Clear aligners are generally more comfortable than traditional braces. You may experience some initial discomfort or pressure during the adjustment period, but it should subside within a few days.

  • How often should I change to a new set of aligners?

    Your orthodontist will provide a specific timeline for changing your aligners, typically every one to two weeks. Following this schedule is crucial to ensure the desired tooth movement.

  • Can I eat and drink with clear aligners in?

    It is recommended to remove your clear aligners while eating or drinking anything other than water. This prevents staining and damage to the aligners.

  • How do I clean my clear aligners?

    Clear aligners should be cleaned daily using a soft-bristle toothbrush and clear aligner cleaning crystals or a non-abrasive denture cleaner. Avoid using toothpaste, as it can scratch the aligners.

  • How long does treatment with clear aligners take?

    The duration of clear aligner treatment varies depending on the complexity of your case. On average, treatment can range from several months to over a year. Your orthodontist will provide a personalized timeline during your consultation.

Every smile is unique.

So is every budget.

The cost of Invisalign® treatment is similar to braces, but that’s where the similarity ends. Invisalign clear aligners are removable and virtually invisible, so you can keep living your life and caring for your teeth throughout treatment the same way you always have.

Our partnership with LendCare allows us to offer you flexible financing options so you can begin treatment sooner rather than later. Low monthly payments are accepted by direct deposit, check deposits, and debit card transactions.

Options include:

  • No down payment
  • Loan terms from 36 to 60 months
  • Merchant rates as low as 1%

Ahmad pays $51/mo for 36 months
Our quote $3401
Insurance covers $1600
Remaining balance $1801
Maria pays $125/mo for 24 months
Our quote $3001
Insurance covers Does not cover
Remaining balance $3001
George pays $200/mo for 24 months
Our quote $7101
Insurance covers $2301
Remaining balance $4801

These cases are examples only.

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